Wednesday, April 22, 2009

First Blog

I must say I feel like I'm back in middle school right now. Danielle & I would post on our livejournals every night complaining about cheerleading and discussing what we wore that day.. Those were the days. Hopefully this blog is a little more mature, and meaningful. What are you supposed to write about in a blog anyway? I guess I could write about my day. I woke up around 9 and went to the writing center to revise a project for english. Hopefully I won't end up with an A- in the class.. I will be pretty pissed. Life will go on if that does happen though :) After that I came back to my room and proceeded to work on some more homework. I have to finish an extra credit book report by tomorrow. I'll get it done. Only 400 words to go! 

I've been really addicted to asiago bagels lately so I went and got one for lunch.. It's pretty much a daily habit now. Well I think this is enough for a first entry.. This is more fun then I thought it would be.

The one and only,
Lindsey Austin 

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